Sunday, April 24, 2011

Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Peoples by Magal Kumer Chakma, Bidhayak Chakma and Prdangshu Barman

Avw`evmx‡`i mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZ
g½j Kzgvi PvKgv ��weavqK PvKgv ��cÖavsï eg©b

msweav‡bi cÂg ms‡kvabx gvgjvi iv‡q mycÖxg †KvU© KZ…©K ZrKvjxb mvgwiK kvmbvg‡ji AvB‡bi ˆeaZv cÖ`v‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ cÖYxZ cÂg ms‡kvabx AvBb‡K msweavb ewnf©~Z I †eAvBbx g‡g© †NvlYv †`qv n‡q‡Q| D³ iv‡q h_vh_ AvBbx c`‡¶‡ci gva¨‡g Õ72-Gi msweav‡bi g~j¯—¤¢mg~n cybe©nvj KiviI wb‡`©k i‡q‡Q| D³ HwZnvwmK iv‡qi Av‡jv‡K AvIqvgx jx‡Mi †bZ…Z¡vaxb eZ©gvb gnv‡RvU miKvi †`‡ki msweavb ms‡kvab ev Õ72 mv‡ji msweav‡b wd‡i hvIqvi D‡`¨vM wb‡q‡Q| ejvevûj¨, Õ72 mv‡ji msweavb Zzjbvg~jKfv‡e MYZvwš¿K I Amv¤cÖ`vwqK n‡jI G‡Z Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZ †bB| Aciw`‡K eZ©gvb miKv‡ii msweavb ms‡kva‡bi GB gnvb D‡`¨v‡Mi †cÖ¶vc‡U Avw`evmx RvwZmg~‡ni mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZi Dchy³ †¶Î I my‡hvM m„wó n‡q‡Q|
ejvevûj¨, Avw`evmx RvwZmg~n †`‡k AwaKvsk †¶‡Î h_v_© bvMwiK gh©v`v I †gŠwjK AwaKvi wb‡q emevm Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| Zviv AvMÖvmb, AvμgY I D‡”Q‡`i Kvi‡Y Rwg †_‡K DrLvZ n‡q co‡Q Ges wbR f~wg‡Z cievmx Rxebhvcb Ki‡Q| A_P †`‡ki Avw`evmx RbMY Dcwb‡ek we‡ivax Av‡›`vjb †_‡K ïi“ K‡i †`‡ki gnvb gyw³hy×mn mKj MYZvwš¿K Av‡›`vj‡b cÖZ¨¶fv‡e AskMÖnY K‡i Avm‡Q| wKš‘ Zv‡`i ¯^kvmbmn ivR‰bwZK, A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK, mvs¯‹…wZK I f~wg AwaKvi¸‡jv GL‡bv mvsweavwbKfv‡e A¯^xK…Z i‡q †M‡Q| Z‡e msweav‡bi 28(4) I 29(3) Aby‡”Q‡` D‡j−wLZ ÒbvMwiK‡`i †h †Kvb AbMÖmi AskÓ wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv K‡i miKvi Avw`evmx‡`i AMÖMwZi Rb¨ we‡kl weavb cÖYqb ev BwZevPK c`‡¶c MÖnY K‡i Avm‡Q| wKš‘ msweav‡bi D³ ÒbvMwiK‡`i AbMÖmi AskÓ cÖZ¨qwU AZ¨š— A¯úó Ges Gi gva¨‡g Avw`evmx‡`i mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZ cwic~iY nq bv| Avw`evmx‡`i mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZ bv _vKvi Kvi‡Y mKj †¶‡Î Zviv bvbv D‡c¶v I cÖvwš—KZvi wkKvi n‡q Avm‡Q|
Avw`evmx RvwZmg~‡ni ¯^vZš¿¨ I cÖvwš—KZvi Av‡jv‡K Avw`evmx‡`i RvwZMZ cwiwPwZ I ¯^KxqZv, ¯^kvmb ev we‡kl kvmb, wm×vš—-wba©viYx cÖwμqvq Zv‡`i AskMÖnY I cÖwZwbwaZ¡ Ges m‡e©vcwi mgAwaKvi I mggh©v`vi Rb¨ we‡kl c`‡¶c msμvš— ivR‰bwZK, A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK, mvs¯‹…wZK I f~wg AwaKvi msweav‡bi wewfboe Aby‡”Q‡` mwboe‡ek Kiv Acwinvh©| Gi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg n‡jv−
(1) msweavb ms‡kva‡bi gva¨‡g 46wUi AwaK Avw`evmx RvwZmg~‡ni RvwZMZ I ms¯‹…wZMZ cwiwPwZ Ges ¯^KxqZv‡K mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZ cÖ`vb Kiv|
(2) cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi ivR‰bwZK, A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK, mvs¯‹…wZK I ag©xq AwaKv‡ii wbivcËvi Rb¨ cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi we‡kl kvwmZ Avw`evmx A‡ji gh©v`v mvsweavwbKfv‡e cÖ`vb Kiv| Gj‡¶¨ 1997 mv‡j ¯^v¶wiZ Ôcve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Pzw³Õ Ges GB Pzw³i Aax‡b cÖYxZ AvBbmg~n‡K mvsweavwbKfv‡e ¯^xK…wZ cÖ`vb Kiv|
(3) †`‡ki Avw`evmx Aay¨wlZ/emevmiZ AÂj¸‡jv‡Z Avw`evmx bvixmn Avw`evmx RvwZmg~‡ni Rb¨ RvZxq msm` I ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡` Avmb msi¶Y Kiv|
(4) Avw`evmx RvwZmg~‡ni mvsweavwbK I AvBbx i¶vKeP hv‡Z Avw`evmx RvwZmg~‡ni m¤§wZ Qvov ms‡kvab ev evwZj Kiv bv nq Zvi mvsweavwbK M¨vivw›U cÖ`vb Kiv|
(5) Avw`evmx‡`i cÖ_vMZ AwaKvimn f~wg, f~LÊ I cÖvK…wZK m¤ú‡`i Dci Avw`evmx‡`i AwaKvi mvsweavwbKfv‡e ¯^xK…wZ cÖ`vb Kiv|
(6) ˆelg¨ `~ixKiY Ges mgAwaKvi I mggh©v`v jv‡fi j‡¶¨ Avw`evmx RvwZmg~‡ni Rb¨ we‡kl c`‡¶c MÖn‡Yi weavb Kiv|

evsjv‡`k iv‡óªi msnwZ, Dboeqb, MYZš¿ I gvbevwaKv‡ii wbwi‡L Avw`evmx RvwZmg~‡ni mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZi welqwU hvicibvB Ri“wi| Avw`evmx‡`i RvwZMZ cwiwPwZ I ¯^KxqZv, ¯^kvmb ev we‡kl kvmb, wm×vš—-wba©viYx cÖwμqvq Zv‡`i AskMÖnY I cÖwZwbwaZ¡ Ges m‡e©vcwi mgAwaKvi I mggh©v`vi Rb¨ we‡kl c`‡¶c msμvš— ivR‰bwZK, A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK, mvs¯‹…wZK I f~wg AwaKvi msweav‡bi wewfboe Aby‡”Q‡` mwboe‡ek Kiv Acwinvh©| Ab¨vb¨ A‡bK weavbvejxi g‡a¨ wb‡goev³ welqvejx I Aby‡”Q`¸‡jv we‡ePbvq Avbv †h‡Z cv‡i-

1. Avw`evmx‡`i RvwZMZ cwiwPwZi AwaKvi
msweavb ms‡kva‡bi gva¨‡g 46wUi AwaK Avw`evmx RvwZ¸‡jvi RvwZMZ I ms¯‹…wZMZ cwiwPwZ I ¯^KxqZv‡K mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZ cÖ`vb Kiv| G‡¶‡Î msweav‡bi Z…Zxq fv‡Mi (†gŠwjK AwaKvi) Ôag© cÖf„wZ Kvi‡Y ˆelg¨ msμvš—Õ 28 Aby‡”Q‡`i (4) `dvi cÖ_‡g ÔAvw`evmx RvwZ‡MvôxÕ kã ms‡hvRb Kiv Ges GB Aby‡”Q‡`i Aax‡b GKwU bZzb Zdwmj ms‡hvRb K‡i Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi bvg mwboe‡ewkZ Kiv; †hgb-
msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb
Ò28(4)| bvix I wkï‡`i AbyK~‡j wKsev bvMwiK‡`i †h †Kvb AbMÖmi As‡ki AMÖMwZi Rb¨ we‡kl weavb-cÖYqb nB‡Z GB Aby‡”Q‡`i †Kvb wKQzB ivóª‡K wbe„Ë Kwi‡e bv|Ó
ms‡kvabx cÖ¯—ve-
Ò28(4)| Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~n, bvix I wkï‡`i AbyK~‡j wKsev bvMwiK‡`i †h †Kvb AbMÖmi As‡ki AMÖMwZi Rb¨ we‡kl weavb-cÖYqb nB‡Z GB Aby‡”Q‡`i †Kvb wKQzB ivóª‡K wbe„Ë Kwi‡e bv|Ó
GB Aby‡”Q‡`i AvIZvq msweav‡b bZzb Zdwmj ms‡hvRb K‡i Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi bv‡gi ZvwjKv mwboe‡ek Kiv|
gvj‡qwkqv, fviZ, †bcvj, KvbvWv, †gw·‡Kv, †f‡bRy‡qjv, ewjwfqvi msweav‡bi Giƒc weavb i‡q‡Q| †hgb- gvj‡qwkqvi msweavb ejv n‡q‡Q †h- Article 8(5). This Article does not invalidate or prohibit – (c) any provision for the protection, wellbeing or advancement of the aboriginal peoples of the Malay Peninsula (including the reservation of land) or the reservation to aborigines of a reasonable proportion of suitable positions in the public service;
eZ©gvb beg msm‡`i ¶gZvmxb AvIqvgx jx‡Mi cuvPRb Avw`evmx msm` m`m¨1 KZ©„K Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZ wel‡q ‡bqv D‡`¨v‡Mi Ask wn‡m‡e PvKgv mv‡K©j Pxd e¨vwióvi ivRv †`evkxl iv‡qi †bZ…‡Z¡ MwVZ Lmov KwgwU2 Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi GKwU msÁv wba©viY K‡i‡Q| D³ msÁv msweav‡b GKv`k fv‡Mi (wewea) e¨vL¨v msμvš— 152 Aby‡”Q‡` ms‡hvR‡bi cÖ¯—ve Kiv n‡q‡Q| wb‡goev³fv‡e D³ msÁv ms‡hvRb Kiv−
Ò152| (1) welq ev cÖm‡½i cÖ‡qvR‡b Ab¨iƒc bv nB‡j GB msweav‡b- ...
ÒAvw`evmx RvwZ‡MvôxÓ ej‡Z †mB mKj RvwZ‡Mvôx‡K eySv‡e, Ab¨v‡b¨i g‡a¨, hviv eZ©gvb emevmiZ A‡j cÖ_g ev Avw` Awaevmx; hv‡`i mgvRe¨e¯’v, fvlv, ms¯‹…wZ I HwZn¨ ‡`‡ki g~j‡mªvZavivi Rb‡Mvôxi fvlv, ms¯‹…wZ BZ¨vw` n‡Z c„_K, hviv mbvZbx cÖwZôv‡bi gva¨‡g cÖ_vMZ AvB‡bi wfwˇZ cvwievwiK AvBb cwiPvjbv I Avf¨š—ixY we‡iva wb®úwË K‡i, f~wgi mv‡_ hv‡`i wbweo mvgvwRK, A_©‰bwZK, mvs¯‹…wZK I Ava¨vwZ¥K m¤úK© i‡q‡Q Ges hviv mvaviYfv‡e g~j‡mªvZavivi Rb‡Mvôxi ‡P‡q cÖvwš—K Ae¯’v‡b i‡q‡Q|Ó
msweav‡b Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni ¯^xK…wZi gva¨‡g mswk−ó RvwZ‡Mvôxi m`m¨iv Zv‡`i wbR¯^ ¯^KxqZv eRvq ivLvi mv‡c‡¶ bvMwiK wn‡m‡e †`‡ki Ab¨vb¨ bvMwiK‡`i mv‡_ AwaKvi PP©v I `vwqZ¡ cvj‡b GwM‡q Avm‡eb Ges †`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK eû gvwÎKZv I eûZ¡ev‡`i h_vh_ cÖwZdjb NU‡e|
2. ¯^kvmb/we‡kl kvmb/¯’vbxq miKvi/¯^vqËkvm‡bi AwaKvi
evsjv‡`k KZ…©K Aby¯^v¶wiZ Avš—R©vwZK AvBb Abymv‡i †`‡ki Ab¨vb¨ bvMwiK‡`i g‡Zv Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni AvZ¥wbqš¿‡Yi AwaKvi i‡q‡Q Ges D³ AwaKvi e‡j Zv‡`i ¯^vaxbfv‡e ivR‰bwZK gh©v`v wba©viY Kivi AwaKvi i‡q‡Q| ZviB Av‡jv‡K Avw`evmx‡`i Avf¨š—ixY I ¯’vbxq wel‡q Z_v ¯^kvwmZ Kvh©vejxi A_©vq‡bi cš’v I Drm wba©vi‡Yi ‡¶‡Î Zv‡`i ¯^kvwmZ miKv‡ii AwaKvi i‡q‡Q|
***1 cuvPRb Avw`evmx msm` m`m¨ h_vµ‡g cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg welqK cÖwZgš¿x `xc¼i ZvjyK`vi, ms¯‹…wZ cÖwZgš¿x cÖ‡gv` gvbwKb, cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Dboeqb †evW© †Pqvig¨vb exi evnv`yi, cÖZ¨vMZ kiYv_x© I Avf¨š—ixY DØv¯‘ cybe©vmb msμvš— Uv¯‹ †dvm© †Pqvig¨vb hZx›`ª jvj wÎcyiv I Gw_b ivLvBb cÖgyL|
2 PvKgv mv‡K©j Pxd ivRv †`evkxl iv‡qi †bZ…‡Z¡ Lmov KwgwUi Ab¨vb¨ m`m¨iv n‡jb cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil‡`i m`m¨ †MŠZg Kzgvi PvKgv, wmcÖv‡Wi wbe©vnx cwiPvjK AvjevU© gvbwKb, evsjv‡`k Avw`evmx †dviv‡gi mvaviY m¤úv`K mÄxe `ªs, ivLvBb †W‡fjvc‡g›U dvD‡Ûk‡bi mfvcwZ DwmZ gs Ges Kv‡cs dvD‡Ûk‡bi Dc‡`óv g½j Kzgvi PvKgv cÖgyL|

2.1 cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi we‡kl kvmbe¨e¯’v

Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni ¯^Zš¿ b„ZvwË¡K cwiwPwZ I HwZn¨MZ mvs¯‹…wZK ¯^KxqZv, m‡e©vcwi AbMÖmZvi †cÖ¶vcU we‡ePbvq wb‡q Dcwb‡ewkK Kvj †_‡K cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AÂj eiveiB we‡kl kvwmZ AÂj wn‡m‡e kvwmZ n‡q Avm‡Q| eZ©gv‡bI msweav‡b 28(4) Aby‡”Q‡`i Aax‡b AbMÖmi Avw`evmx Aay¨wlZ cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi ¯^Zš¿ mvs¯‹…wZK, wk¶v I A_©‰bwZK AwaKvi mgyboeZ Ges Av_©-mvgvwRK Dboeqb cÖwμqv Z¡ivwš^Z Kivi wbwg‡Ë we‡kl AvBb Kvh©Ki i‡q‡Q| D³ we‡kl AvB‡bi mv‡_ m½wZ †i‡L cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AÂj‡K msweav‡b AvZ¥¶vg~jK e¨e¯’vi wbðqZv cÖ`vb Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| GB we‡kl kvmbe¨e¯’vi mvsweavwbK M¨vivw›U _vKv AZxe Ri“wi| †hgb− PZz_© fv‡Mi (wbe©vnx wefvM) 3q cwi‡”Q‡`i (¯’vbxq kvmb) ci wb‡goev³ bZzb cwi”Q` I Aby‡”Q` ms‡hvRb Kiv-

cÖ¯—vweZ ms‡hvRbx

Ò3K cwi‡”Q`cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi we‡kl kvmb

60K| iv½vgvwU, LvMovQwo I ev›`ievb †Rjv mgš^‡q MwVZ cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GKwU Avw`evmx Aay¨wlZ AÂj weavq D³ A‡ji ivR‰bwZK, A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK, mvs¯‹…wZK I agx©q AwaKv‡ii ¯^KxqZv I wbivcËvi Rb¨ D³ AÂj GKwU we‡kl kvwmZ AÂj nB‡e|Ó

B‡›`v‡bwkqv, wdwjcvBb, †¯úb, BZvjx, wdbj¨vÛ, fviZ, †bcvj, cvwK¯—vb, †WbgvK©, †gw·‡Kv, gvj‡qwkqv, †f‡bRy‡qjv, ewjwfqv-Gi msweav‡b Giƒc weavbvejx i‡q‡Q| D`vniY ¯^iƒc †hgbÑ

B‡›`v‡bwkqvi msweavb [Chapter VI Regional Authorities] Article 18(2). The regional authorities of the provinces, regencies and municipalities shall administer and manage their own affairs according to the principles of regional autonomy....

wdwjcvB‡bi msweavb [(Local Government) Autonomous Regions] Article X Section 15. There shall be created autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and in the Cordilleras consisting of provinces, cities, municipalities, and geographical areas sharing common and distinctive historical and cultural heritage, economic and social structures, and other relevant characteristics within the framework of this Constitution and the national sovereignty as well as territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines.

†¯ú‡bi msweavb [National Unity, Regional Autonomy] Article 2 . The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, and recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy of the nationalities and regions which make it up and the solidarity among all of them.

2.2 cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Pzw³ I Pzw³i Aax‡b cÖYxZ AvB‡bi myi¶v

D‡j−wLZ weav‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_ 1997 mv‡j ¯^v¶wiZ cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Pzw³ Ges Pzw³ †gvZv‡eK cÖYxZ wb‡goev³ AvBbmn 1900 mv‡ji cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg kvmbwewa‡KI mvsweavwbKfv‡e ¯^xK…wZ cÖ`vb Kiv `iKvi| Avš—R©vwZK AvBb Abymv‡i Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi ivóª wKsev Zv‡`i DËim~ixi mv‡_ m¤úvw`Z Pzw³, mg‡SvZv ¯§viK Ges Ab¨vb¨ Pzw³-Zzj¨ AvBb (MVbg~jK e¨e¯’vejx) Gi ¯^xK…wZ, cÖwZcvjb Ges ev¯—evqb Kivi AwaKvi i‡q‡Q Ges Gme Pzw³, mg‡SvZv ¯§viK I MVbg~jK e¨e¯’vejxi Aek¨B ivóªxq gh©v`v jv‡fi AwaKvi i‡q‡Q| ZviB Av‡jv‡K ÔKvh©Ki AvBbÕ wn‡m‡e cÖ_g Zdwm‡j wb‡goev³ AvBbmg~n ms‡hvRb Kiv `iKvi-

��cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg kvmbwewa 1900 (1900 m‡bi 1 bs kvmbwewa)

��iv½vgvwU cve©Z¨ †Rjv cwil` AvBb, 1989 (1989 m‡bi 19 bs AvBb) (1998 mv‡ji 9bs AvB‡bi ms‡kvabxmn)

��LvMovQwo cve©Z¨ †Rjv cwil` AvBb, 1989 (1989 m‡bi 20 bs AvBb) (1998 mv‡ji 10bs AvB‡bi ms‡kvabxmn)

��ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjv cwil` AvBb, 1989 (1989 m‡bi 21 bs AvBb) (1998 mv‡ji 11bs AvB‡bi ms‡kvabxmn)

��cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil` AvBb, 1998 (1998 m‡bi 12 bs AvBb)

Giƒc weavb msweav‡b ms‡hvRb Kiv n‡j cve©Z¨ Pzw³i wei“‡× 2000 mv‡j ew`D¾vgvb I 2007 mv‡j G¨vW‡fv‡KU ZvRyj Bmjvg KZ…©K `v‡qiK…Z gvgjvq nvB‡Kv‡U©i iv‡qi g‡Zv AvÂwjK cwil` AvBb‡K m¤ú~Y©fv‡e I wZb cve©Z¨ †Rjv cwil‡`i KwZcq ¸i“Z¡c~Y© aviv‡K AmvsweavwbK ev A‰ea g‡g© ejvi AeKvk _vK‡e bv|

Abyiƒcfv‡e mvsweavwbKfv‡e ¯^xK…Z bv _vKvi Kvi‡Y cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg †i¸‡jk‡bi Dci mivmwi AvNvZ Av‡m 1964 mv‡j †hLv‡b cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg †i¸‡jk‡bi 51 bs

wewa‡K cvwK¯—vb msweav‡bi Pjv‡divi ¯^vaxbZv weav‡bi cwicš’x g‡g© c~e© cvwK¯—vb nvB‡KvU© ivq †`qv nq|

2.3 AvB‡bi †ndvRZ

msweav‡bi Z…Zxq fv‡Mi (†gŠwjK AwaKvi) ÔKwZcq AvB‡bi †ndvRZÕ msμvš— 47 Aby‡”Q‡`i Aax‡b cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi AvBb I bxwZgvjv myi¶v cÖ`vb Kiv `iKvi| †hgb-

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb-

Ò47|(1) wbgoewjwLZ †h †Kvb wel‡qi weavb-msewjZ †Kvb AvB‡b (cÖPwjZ AvB‡bi †¶‡Î ms‡kvabxi gva¨‡g) msm` hw` ¯úóiƒ‡c †NvlYv K‡ib †h, GB msweav‡bi wØZxq fv‡M ewY©Z ivóª cwiPvjbvi g~jbxwZmg~‡ni †Kvb GKwU‡K Kvh©Ki Kwievi Rb¨ Abyiƒc weavb Kiv nBj, Zvnv nB‡j Abiƒc AvBb GB fv‡M wbðqK…Z †Kvb AwaKv‡ii mwnZ AmvgÄm¨ wKsev Abyiƒc AwaKvi niY ev Le© Kwi‡Z‡Q, GB Kvi‡Y evwZj ewjqv MY¨ nB‡e bvt (K) ....; (L) ...; (M) ....; (N) ...; (O) ...; (P) ....;Ó

ms‡hvRbx cÖ¯—ve : 47|(1)(P) `dvi ci (Q) bv‡g bZzb `dv ms‡hvRb Kiv-

Ò(Q) cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvgmn †`‡ki Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni ¯^KxqZv I wbivcËv weavbK‡í cÖYxZ AvBb I bxwZgvjv|Ó

2.4 cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi †fvUvi ZvwjKv

Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni RbmsL¨vi ¯^íZv Ges cÖvwš—KZvi †cÖw¶‡Z, m‡e©vcwi cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cvnvwo-evOvwj ¯’vqx Awaevmx‡`i cÖwZwbwaZ¡ I AskMÖnY wbwðZKi‡Yi Rb¨ cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Pzw³‡Z ¯^xK…Z ¯’vqx evwm›`v‡`i wb‡q †fvUvi ZvwjKv cÖYq‡bi weavb msweav‡bi mßg fv‡Mi (wbe©vPb) ÔcÖwZ GjvKvi Rb¨ GKwUgvÎ †fvUvi ZvwjKvÕ msμvš— 121 Aby‡”Q‡` ms‡hvRb Kiv Acwinvh©| †hgb−

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb−

Ò121| msm‡`i wbe©vP‡bi Rb¨ cÖ‡Z¨K AvÂwjK wbe©vPbx GjvKvi GKwU Kwiqv †fvUvi-ZvwjKv _vwK‡e Ges ag©, RvZ, eY© I bvix-cyi“l‡f‡`i wfwˇZ †fvUvi‡`i web¨¯— Kwiqv †Kvb we‡kl †fvUvi-ZvwjKv cÖYqb Kiv hvB‡e bv|Ó

ms‡hvRbx cÖ¯—ve : 121 Aby‡”Q‡`i ci wb‡goev³ kZ©vsk ms‡hvRb Kiv−

ÒZ‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi †¶‡Î ¯’vqx evwm›`v‡`i jBqv †fvUvi ZvwjKv cÖYq‡b GB Aby‡”Q‡`i †Kvb wKQzB ivóª‡K wbe„Ë Kwi‡e bv|Ó

3. AskMÖnY I cÖwZwbwa‡Z¡i AwaKvi

Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni RbmsL¨vi ¯^íZv Ges cÖvwš—KZvi †cÖw¶‡Z RvZxq msm‡` I ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil`¸‡jv‡Z Zv‡`i AskMÖnY I cÖwZwbwaZ¡ wbwðZKi‡Yi Rb¨ cÖZ¨¶fv‡e msweav‡b Avmb msi¶‡Yi mswewae× e¨e¯’v _vKv cÖ‡qvRb|

3.1 RvZxq msm‡` Avmb msi¶Y

cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg RbmsnwZ mwgwZ cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡ji RvZxq msm‡`i mvaviY Avmb¸‡jv Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Rb¨ msi¶‡Yi cÖ¯—ve K‡i‡Q| GQvov mviv‡`‡ki Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Rb¨ Av‡iv 10wU Avmb msi¶‡Yi cÖ¯—ve K‡i‡Q Ges D³ 10wU Avmb RvZxq msm‡`i mvaviY 300wU Avm‡bi AwZwi³ Avmb wn‡m‡e cÖ¯—ve K‡i‡Q RbmsnwZ mwgwZ| wb‡goev³fv‡e D³ ms‡hvRbx cÖ¯—ve cÖ¯—ve Kiv n‡q‡Q-

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb-

Ò65(2)| GKK AvÂwjK wbe©vPbx GjvKvmg~n nB‡Z cÖZ¨¶ wbe©vP‡bi gva¨‡g AvBbvbyhvqx wbe©vwPZ wZb kZ m`m¨ jBqv Ges GB Aby‡”Q‡`i (3) `dvi Kvh©KiZvKv‡j D³ `dvq ewY©Z m`m¨w`M‡K jBqv msm` MwVZ nB‡e; m`m¨MY m`m¨-m`m¨ ewjqv AwfwnZ nB‡eb|Ó

cÖ¯—vweZ ms‡hvRbx : cÂg fv‡Mi (AvBbmfv) Ômsm` cÖwZôvÕ msμvš— 65 Aby‡”Q‡`i (2) Dc-Aby‡”Q‡`i ci wb‡goev³ kZ©vsk ms‡hvRb Kiv−

ÒZ‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, msm‡`i cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi AvÂwjK wbe©vPbx GjvKvmg~n †Kej cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Rb¨ msiw¶Z _vwK‡e|Ó

Aciw`‡K mviv‡`‡ki Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Rb¨ Av‡iv 10wU Avmb msi¶‡Yi †¶‡Î 65 Aby‡”Q‡`i (3) Dc-Aby‡”Q‡`i ci Ô(3K)Õ bv‡g bZzb Aby‡”Q` ms‡hvRb Kiv-

Ò65|(3K) Avw`evmx Aay¨wlZ/emevmiZ AÂjmg~‡n Avw`evmx gwnjvmn Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Rb¨ RvZxq msm‡` `kwU Avmb msiw¶Z _vwK‡e Ges Zuvnviv AvBb Abyhvqx wbe©vwPZ nB‡eb:

Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, GB `dvi †Kvb wKQzB GB Aby‡”Q‡`i (2) I (3) `dvi Aaxb †Kvb Avm‡b †Kvb Avw`evmx gwnjvmn Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi wbe©vPb wbe„Ë Kwi‡e bv|Ó

w`b w`b AwaKZi msL¨vjNy‡Z cwiYZ nIqvi Kvi‡Y RvZxq msm‡` Avw`evmx wbe©vwPZ nIqvi m¤¢vebv ¶xY n‡q hv‡”Q| †hgb- Gikv` miKv‡ii Avg‡j GKevi Ges 2001 mv‡ji wbe©vP‡b Av‡iKevi LvMovQwo Avm‡b A-Avw`evmx msm` m`m¨ wbe©vwPZ n‡q‡Q| cvwK¯—vb [51(1G), 59(1we) Aby‡”Q`], †bcvj, fviZ (330, 332 Aby‡”Q`), wdwjcvBb (Aby‡”Q` 11 I aviv 6), †f‡bRy‡qjvi msweav‡b Giƒc weavb i‡q‡Q| cvwK¯—v‡bi msweavb [National Assembly] Article 51(b). Eight shall be elected from Federally Administered Tribal Areas, in such manner as the President may, by order,... fvi‡Zi msweavb Article 330(1). Seats shall be reserved in the House of the People for— (a) the Scheduled Castes; (b) the Scheduled Tribes except the Scheduled Tribes....

3.2 ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡` Avmb msi¶Y

Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni RbmsL¨vi ¯^íZv Ges Zv‡`i AskMÖnY I cÖwZwbwa‡Z¡i †¶‡Î cÖvwš—KZv I b¨vh¨Zvg~jK AwaKv‡ii †cÖw¶‡Z ¯’vbxq kvmb-msμvš— cÖwZôvbmg~‡n Zv‡`i cÖwZwbwaZ¡ wbwðZKi‡Yi Rb¨ cÖZ¨¶fv‡e msweav‡b Avmb msi¶‡bi mswewae× e¨e¯’v _vKv cÖ‡qvRb| G‡¶‡Î 59(2) Aby‡”Q‡`i ci bZzb `dv ms‡hvR‡bi cÖ¯—ve Kiv n‡q‡Q| †hgb−

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb

59| Ò(1) AvBbvbyhvqx wbe©vwPZ e¨w³‡`i mgš^‡q MwVZ cÖwZôvbmg~‡ni Dci cÖRvZ‡š¿i cÖ‡Z¨K cÖkvmwbK GKKvs‡ki ¯’vbxq kvm‡bi fvi cÖ`vb Kiv nB‡e|

(2) GB msweavb I Ab¨ †Kvb AvBb-mv‡c‡¶ msm` AvB‡bi Øviv †hiƒc wbw`©ó Kwi‡eb, GB Aby‡”Q‡`i (1) `dvq Dwj−wLZ Abyiƒc cÖ‡Z¨K cÖwZôvb h‡_vchy³ cÖkvmwbK GKKvs‡ki g‡a¨ †mBiƒc ...Ó

cÖ¯—vweZ ms‡hvRbx : Aby‡”Q`-59(2)-Gi †k‡l wb‡goev³ bZzb `dv ms‡hvRb Kiv-

Ò59|(3) †`‡ki Avw`evmx Aay¨wlZ AÂj¸‡jvi ¯’vbxq kvmb-msμvš— cÖwZôvbmg~‡n Avw`evmx gwnjvmn Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Rb¨ Avmb msiw¶Z _vwK‡e|Ó

4. f~wg I cÖvK…wZK m¤ú‡`i AwaKvi

f~wg, eb I cÖvK…wZK m¤ú‡`i mv‡_ Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Rxeb-RxweKv I ms¯‹…wZ weRwoZ i‡q‡Q| Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni ¯^Zš¿ Rxebaviv I AwaKvi mywbwðZKi‡Yi Rb¨ msweav‡b Giƒc weavb _vKv Avek¨K| G‡¶‡Î GKv`k fv‡Mi (wewea) ÔcÖRvZ‡š¿i m¤úwËÕ msμvš— 143 Aby‡”Q‡` Gai‡bi weavb ms‡hvRb Kiv|

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb−

143| (1) AvBbm½Zfv‡e cÖRvZ‡š¿i Dci b¨¯— †h †Kvb f~wg ev m¤úwË e¨ZxZ wbgoewjwLZ m¤úwËmg~n cÖRvZ‡š¿i Dci b¨¯— nB‡e : (K) evsjv‡`‡ki †h †Kvb f~wgi Aš—t¯’ mKj LwbR I Ab¨vb¨ g~j¨m¤úboe mvgMÖx; (L) evsjv‡`‡ki ivóªxq Rjmxgvq Aš—e©Zx© gnvmvM‡ii Aš—t¯’ wKsev evsjv‡`‡ki gnx‡mvcv‡bi Dcwi¯’ gnvmvM‡ii Aš—t¯’ mKj f~wg, LwbR I Ab¨vb¨ g~j¨m¤úboe mvgMÖx; Ges (M) evsjv‡`‡k Aew¯’Z cÖK…Z gvwjKvbvwenxb †h †Kvb m¤úwË|

(2) msm` mg‡q mg‡q AvB‡bi Øviv evsjv‡`‡ki ivóªxq mxgvbvi Ges evsjv‡`‡ki ivóªxq Rjmxgv I gnx‡mvcv‡bi mxgv-wba©vi‡Yi weavb Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb|

cÖ¯—vweZ ms‡hvRbx : 143 Aby‡”Q‡`i (2) Dc-Aby‡”Q‡`i c‡i (3) bv‡g bZzb Dc-Aby‡”Q` ms‡hvRb Kiv-

Ò143|(3) GB Aby‡”Q‡`i †Kvb wKQzB †`‡ki Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxw`M‡K Zvnv‡`i ¯^ ¯^ Aay¨wlZ A‡ji f~wg I cÖvK…wZK m¤ú‡`i AwaKvi I mgwóMZ f~wg gvwjKvbvi ¯^Z¡vwaKvi wbwðZ Kiv nB‡Z ivóª‡K wbe„Ë Kwi‡e bv|Ó

GQvov msweav‡bi wØZxq fv‡Mi (ivóªcwiPvjbvi g~jbxwZ) gvwjKvbvi bxwZgvjv msμvš— Aby‡”Q‡` Avw`evmx‡`i mgwóMZ gvwjKvbv msμvš— GKwU `dv ms‡hvRb Kiv| †hgb-

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb−

Ò13| Drcv`bhš¿, Drcv`b e¨e¯’v I e›Ub cÖYvjx mg~‡ni gvwjK ev wbqš¿K nB‡eb RbMY Ges GB D‡Ï‡k¨ gvwjKvbv e¨e¯’v wbgoeiƒc nB‡e: (K) ivóªxq gvwjKvbv ...; (L) mgevq gvwjKvbv...; Ges (M) e¨w³MZ gvwjKvbv...|Ó

ms‡hvRbx cÖ¯—ve : 13(M) Gi c‡i wb‡goev³ (N) Dc-Aby‡”Q` ms‡hvRb Kiv-

Ò13|(N) mgwóMZ gvwjKvbv, A_©vr cÖ_vMZ AvBbwfwËK Avw`evmx‡`i mgwóMZ gvwjKvbv|Ó

e¨w³MZ gvwjKvbv QvovI Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~n mgwóMZ gvwjKvbv cÖ_v AbymiY K‡i Avm‡Q| †hgb cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡g †iKWx©q ev †fvM`Ljxq †KvbUvB bq Ggb f~wg hv Rygf~wg bv‡g L¨vZ I cÖ_vMZfv‡e mswk−ó †gŠRv Awaevmx‡`i mgwóMZ gvwjKvbvaxb| A_©vr †gŠRv GjvKvq Aew¯’Z f~wgi g‡a¨ e¨w³ bv‡g e‡›`ve¯—K…Z ev †fvM`Ljxq f~wg e¨ZxZ Ab¨ mKj f~wgB †gŠRvevmxi|

ewjwfqv, fviZ, KvbvWv, †gw·‡Kv, B‡›`v‡bwkqvi msweav‡b Giƒc weavb i‡q‡Q| B‡›`v‡bwkqvi msweav‡b D‡j−L Av‡Q †hArticle 18B(2). The State recognises and respects traditional communities along with their traditional customary rights as long as these remain in existence and are in accordance with the societal development and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and shall be regulated by law.

wdwjcvB‡bi msweavb Article-XII Section 5. The State, subject to the provisions of this Constitution and national development policies and programs, shall protect the rights of indigenous cultural communities to their ancestral lands to ensure their economic, social, and cultural well-being.

Abyiƒcfv‡e evsjv‡`k miKvi KZ…©K Abymgw_©Z Avw`evmx I UªvBevj Rb‡Mvôx welqK AvBGjI Kb‡fbkb, 1957 (107 bs Kb‡fbkb) D‡j−L i‡q‡Q †h

Article 11. The right of ownership, collective or individual, of the members of the populations concerned over the lands which these populations traditionally occupy shall be recognised.

Article 7(1). In defining the rights and duties of the populations concerned regard shall be had to their customary laws. (2) These populations shall be allowed to retain their own customs and institutions where these are not incompatible with the national legal system or the objectives of integration programmes.

B‡›`v‡bwkqvi msweavb Article 18B(2). The State recognises and respects traditional communities along with their traditional customary rights as long as these remain in existence and are in accordance with the societal development and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and shall be regulated by law.

5. ms¯‹…wZ I eûgvwÎKZvi ¯^xK…wZ

Avš—R©vwZK AvBb Abymv‡i Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Zv‡`i wbR¯^ cÖ_v Ges HwZn¨ †gvZv‡eK Zv‡`i AvZ¥cwiPq A_ev m`m¨c` wba©viY Ges wbR¯^ ms¯‹…wZ I cÖ_vMZ cÖwZôvb A¶zYoe ivLvi AwaKvi i‡q‡Q| ZvB msweavb ms‡kva‡bi gva¨‡g 46wUi AwaK Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi ms¯‹…wZMZ cwiwPwZ I ¯^KxqZv‡K mvsweavwbK ¯^xK…wZ cÖ`vb Kiv AZ¨vek¨K| msweav‡bi cÖ_g fv‡Mi (cÖRvZš¿) RvZxq ms¯‹…wZ msµvš— 23 Aby‡”Q‡` Avw`evmx‡`i ¯^vZš¿gwÛZ ms¯‹…wZi ¯^xK…wZ cÖ`vb Kiv|

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb-

Ò23| ivóª RbM‡Yi mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ I DËivwaKvi i¶‡Yi Rb¨ e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kwi‡eb Ges RvZxq fvlv, mvwnZ¨ I wkíKjvmg~‡ni Ggb cwi‡cvlY I Dbœq‡bi e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kwi‡eb, hvnv‡Z me©¯—‡ii RbMY RvZxq ms¯‹…wZi mg„wׇZ Ae`vb ivwLevi I AskMÖnY Kwievi my‡hvM jvf Kwi‡Z cv‡ib|Ó

ms‡kvabx cÖ¯—ve−

Ò23| ivóª RbM‡Yi mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ I DËivwaKvi i¶‡Yi Rb¨ e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kwi‡eb Ges wfboe wfboe RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni fvlv, mvwnZ¨ I wkíKjvmg~‡ni Ggb cwi‡cvlY I Dboeq‡bi e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kwi‡eb, hvnv‡Z me©¯—‡ii RbMY †`‡ki eûgvwÎK ms¯‹…wZi mg„wׇZ Ae`vb ivwLevi I AskMÖnY Kwievi my‡hvM jvf Kwi‡Z cv‡ib|Ó


23 Aby‡”Q‡`i c‡i Ò23K|Ó bv‡g wb‡gv³ bZzb Aby‡”Q` ms‡hvRb Kiv-

Òivóª Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi ms¯‹…wZ, fvlv, ixwZ, cÖ_v, HwZn¨, mvwnZ¨, wkíKjv, HwZnvwmK wb`k©b BZ¨vw` msi¶Y I Dboeqb Z_v eûgvwÎK ms¯‹…wZi mg„wׇZ c„ô‡cvlKZv cÖ`vb Kwi‡eb|Ó

evsjv‡`k GKwU eû RvwZ, eû fvlv I eû ms¯‹…wZi †`k| ewY©Z Aby‡”Q‡`i cÖ_gvs‡k Dwj−wLZ ÒRbM‡Yi mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ I DËivwaKvi i¶‡YiÓ cÖ‡qvRbxqZvi mv‡_ mvgÄm¨ †i‡L †`‡ki eûgvwÎK ms¯‹…wZi cwi‡cvlY I mg„w×i Dci ¸i“Z¡ Av‡ivc Kiv n‡e| mv‡_ mv‡_ Gi gva¨‡g Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi fvlv, mvwnZ¨ I wkíKjvmg~‡ni cÖwZ mgfv‡e I ˆelg¨nxbfv‡e ivóª c„ô‡cvlKZv Kwi‡eb|

†bcvj, fviZ (29 Aby‡”Q`), †¯úb, wdbj¨vÛ, †gw·‡Kv, biI‡q, B‡›`v‡bwkqv, wdwjcvBb, †f‡bRy‡qjv, ewjwfqv Gi msweavb Ges ICCPR-Gi 27 Aby‡”Q‡` Giƒc weavb i‡q‡Q| †hgb−

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights-G ejv n‡q‡Q †h- Article 27. In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to such minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with the other members of their group, to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practice their own religion, or to use their own language.

B‡›`v‡bwkqvi msweav‡b ejv n‡q‡Q †hArticle 28I(3). The cultural identities and rights of traditional communities shall be respected in accordance with the development of times and civilisations.

6. wk¶v, fvlv I gvZ…fvlvq AwaKvi

msweav‡bi cÖ_g fv‡Mi (cÖRvZš¿) ivóªfvlv msμvš— 3 Aby‡”Q‡` Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni ¯^vZš¿gwÛZ fvlv ¯^xK…wZ cÖ`vb Kiv AZ¨vek¨K| G‡¶‡Î wb‡goev³ cÖ¯—ve Kiv n‡q‡Q-

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb-

Ò3| cÖRvZ‡š¿i ivóªfvlv evsjv|Ó

ms‡kvabx cÖ¯—ve : D‡j−wLZ 3 Aby‡”Q‡`i †k‡l ms‡hvRb Kiv-

ÒZ‡e bvMwiK‡`i Ab¨vb¨ fvlvi cwi‡cvlY I Dboeq‡bI ivóª mgfv‡e c„ô‡cvlKZv Kwi‡eb|Ó

evsjv‡`‡ki Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni fvlv, HwZn¨ I ms¯‹…wZ wejywßi m¤§yLxb I msKUvcboe| Zv‡`i mvgvwRK I A_©‰bwZK cÖvwš—KZvi †cÖw¶‡Z Ges b¨vh¨Zv weav‡bi Rb¨ cÖZ¨¶fv‡e msweav‡b mswewae× e¨e¯’v Aš—fy©w³i Av‡jv‡K ivóªxq c„ô‡cvlKZv cÖ‡qvRb Ges GB c„ô‡cvlKZv e¨wZ‡i‡K mswk−ó RvwZ‡Mvôxi cÖwZ ˆelg¨ Kvh©Kifv‡e `~ixf~Z Kiv m¤¢e bq e‡j Avw`evmx †bZ…e„›` g‡b K‡ib|

†bcvj, fviZ (29 Aby‡”Q`), wdbj¨vÛ, wdwjcvBb, †f‡bRy‡qjv, ewjwfqv Gi msweavb Ges AvBGjIÕi 107 bs Kb‡fbk‡b Giƒc weavb i‡q‡Q| †hgb-

†f‡bRy‡qjvi msweav‡b D‡j−L i‡q‡Q †h- Article 9. Spanish is the official language. The use of native languages also has official status for native peoples, and must be respected throughout the territory of the Republic, as constituting part of the cultural heritage of the Nation and humanity.

evsjv‡`k KZ…©K Abymgw_©Z AvBGjIÕi Avw`evmx I UªvBevj Rb‡Mvôx welqK 107 bs Kb‡fbk‡b D‡j−L Av‡Q †h- Article 23(1). Children belonging to the populations concerned shall be taught to read and write in their mother tongue or, where this is not practicable, in the language most commonly used by the group to which they belong.

Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi wkï‡`i Zv‡`i wbR¯^ Avw`evmx fvlvq A_ev Zv‡`i Rb‡Mvôx KZ…©K mvaviYfv‡e eûj e¨eüZ fvlvq cov I wjLvi Rb¨ wk¶v`vb Kivi AwaKvi i‡q‡Q| G‡¶‡Î msweav‡bi wØZxq fv‡Mi (ivóªcwiPvjbvi g~jbxwZ) ÔA‰eZwbK I eva¨Zvg~jK wk¶vÕ msμvš— 17 Aby‡”Q‡` G msμvš— weavb ms‡hvRb Kivi cÖ¯—ve K‡i‡Qb Avw`evmx †bZ…e„›`|

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb-

Ò17| ivóª

K) GKB c×wZ MYgyLx I me©Rbxb wk¶v e¨e¯’v cÖwZôvi Rb¨ Ges AvB‡bi Øviv wba©vwiZ ¯—i ch©š— mKj evjK-evwjKv‡K A‰eZwbK I eva¨Zvg~jK wk¶v`v‡bi Rb¨;

L) mgv‡Ri cÖ‡qvR‡bi mwnZ wk¶v‡K msMwZc~Y© Kwievi Rb¨ Ges †mB cÖ‡qvRb wm× Kwievi h_vh_ cÖwk¶YcÖvß I mw`”QvcÖ‡Yvw`Z bvMwiK m„wói Rb¨;

M) AvB‡bi aviv wbav©wiZ mg‡qi g‡a¨ wbi¶Zv `~i Kwievi Rb¨

Kvh©Ki e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kwi‡eb|Ó

ms‡hvRbx cÖ¯—ve : Aby‡”Q` 17(M) Gi ci wb‡goev³ Dc-Aby‡”Q` ms‡hvRb Kiv−

ÒN) †`‡ki wfboe fvlvfvwl RvwZ‡Mvôxi g‡a¨ wk¶v cÖmv‡ii j‡¶¨ gvZ…fvlvi gva¨‡g wk¶v`v‡bi Rb¨;

O) ivóªxq cvV¨m~wP‡Z †`‡ki eûgvwÎK ms¯‹…wZi h_vh_ cÖwZdjb NUvBevi Rb¨Ó

fviZ, †gw·‡Kv, gvj‡qwkqv, wdwjcvBb, †f‡bRy‡qjv, ewjwfqvi msweav‡b weavb i‡q‡Q| fvi‡Zi msweav‡b D‡j−L i‡q‡Q †h− [Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions] Article 30(1). All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.

evsjv‡`k KZ…©K Abymgw_©Z International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights-G ejv n‡q‡Q †h− Article 21. Measures shall be taken to ensure that members of the populations concerned have the opportunity to acquire education at all levels on an equal footing with the rest of the national community.

7. ¯^vaxb I c~e©vewnZ m¤§wZi AwaKvi

Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Zv‡`i wbR¯^ Kg©c×wZ‡Z wbe©vwPZ cÖwZwbwa‡`i gva¨‡g Ges Zv‡`i wbR¯^ wm×vš—-wba©viYx cÖwZôvb A¶zYoe ivLv I Dboeq‡bi Rb¨, Zv‡`i AwaKvi‡K cÖfvweZ Ki‡e Ggb wel‡q wm×vš—-wba©viYx cÖwμqvq AskMÖn‡Yi AwaKvi i‡q‡Q| Avw`evmx‡`i mv‡_ civgk© I Zv‡`i m¤§wZ e¨wZ‡i‡K hv‡Z cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvgmn Avw`evmx AwaKvi msµvš— †Kvb AvBb wKsev msweav‡b Aš—fy©³ weavbvejx ms‡kvab ev evwZj Kiv bv nq Zvi mvsweavwbK M¨vivw›U _vKv `iKvi| Gj‡¶¨ msweav‡b ÔAvBb cÖYqb I A_©-msµvš— c×wZÕ msµvš— 80 Aby‡”Q` Ges Ômsweav‡bi weavb ms‡kva‡bi ¶gZvÕ msµvš— 142 Aby‡”Q` Giƒc weavb ms‡hvRb Kiv|

7.1 Avw`evmx AwaKvi msμvš— AvBb

Avw`evmx‡`i AwaKvi mswk−ó AvBb cÖYqb ev ms‡kvab ev evwZj Kivi †¶‡Î Avw`evmx‡`i ¯^vaxb I c~e©vewnZ m¤§wZ MÖn‡Yi wbðqZvi Rb¨ msweav‡bi cÂg fv‡Mi (AvBbmfv) wØZxq cwi”Q‡`i ÔAvBb cÖYqb I A_©-msμvš— c×wZÕ msμvš— 80 Aby‡”Q‡` we‡kl cÖvwaKvi ms‡hvRb Kiv `iKvi| †hgb−

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb-

Ò80| (1) AvBbcÖYq‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ msm‡` AvbxZ cÖ‡Z¨KwU cÖ¯—ve wej-AvKv‡i DÌvwcZ nB‡e|

(2) msm` KZ…©K †Kvb wej M„nxZ nB‡j m¤§wZi Rb¨ Zvnv ivóªcwZi wbKU †ck Kiv nB‡e|Ó

ms‡hvRbx cÖ¯—ve : 80 Aby‡”Q‡`i (2) `dvi ci bZzb Aby‡”Q` ms‡hvRb Kiv-

Ò(2K) ivóª cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg wel‡q Ges D³ A‡ji Avw`evmx‡`i cÖfvweZ K‡i Ggb AvBb cÖYqb ev ms‡kvab ev evwZj Kwi‡Z †M‡j cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil` I wZb cve©Z¨ †Rjv cwil` Ges †¶ÎgZ HwZn¨MZ cÖwZôv‡bi †bZ…e„‡›`i mwnZ Av‡jvPbv I civgk©μ‡g AvBb cÖYqb Kwi‡eb|

(2L)| Abyiƒcfv‡e ivóª mgZj A‡ji Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôx‡`i cÖfvweZ K‡i Ggb wel‡q AvBb cÖYqb Kwi‡Z †M‡j mgZj A‡ji Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi cÖwZwbwaZ¡kxj †bZ…e„›` I msMVbmg~‡ni mwnZ wba©vwiZ c×wZ‡Z Av‡jvPbv I civgk©µ‡g AvBb cÖYqb Kwi‡eb|Ó

G ai‡bi AwaKvi fviZ I ewjwfqvi msweav‡b Ges cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Pzw³i Aax‡b cÖYxZ AvB‡b ¯^xK…wZ i‡q‡Q| †hgb- 1998 mv‡ji cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil` AvB‡b D‡j−L Av‡Q †h− Ò53| AvBb cÖYq‡bi †¶‡Î cwil‡`i mwnZ Av‡jvPbv BZ¨vw`- (1) miKvi cwil` ev cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg m¤ú‡K© †Kvb AvBb cÖYq‡bi D‡`¨vM MÖnY Kwi‡j cwil` I mswk−ó cve©Z¨ †Rjv cwil‡`i mwnZ Av‡jvPbvμ‡g Ges cwil‡`i civgk© we‡ePbvμ‡g AvBb cÖYq‡bi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq c`‡¶c MÖnY Kwi‡e|Ó

Abyiƒcfv‡e 1998 mv‡ji cve©Z¨ †Rjv cwil` AvB‡b D‡j−L Av‡Q †h- Ò79| †Kvb AvB‡bi weavb m¤ú‡K© AvcwË| iv½vgvwU cve©Z¨ †Rjvq cÖ‡hvR¨ RvZxq msm` KZ©„K M„nxZ †Kvb AvBb cwil‡`i we‡ePbvq D³ †Rjvi Rb¨ KóKi nB‡j ev DcRvZxq‡`i Rb¨ AvcwËKi nB‡j, cwil` Dnv KóKi ev AvcwËKi nIqvi KviY e¨³ Kwiqv AvBbwUi ms‡kvab ev cÖ‡qvM wkw_j Kwievi Rb¨ miKv‡ii wbKU wjwLZ Av‡e`b †ck Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e Ges miKvi GB Av‡e`b Abyhvqx cÖwZKvig~jK c`‡¶c MÖnY Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e|Ó

fvi‡Zi msweav‡b D‡j−L Av‡Q  †hArticle 371G. Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution,— (a) no Act of Parliament in respect of— (i) religious or social practices of the Mizos, (ii) Mizo customary law and procedure, (iii) administration of civil and criminal justice involving decisions according to Mizo customary law, (iv) ownership and transfer of land, shall apply to the State of Mizoram unless the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mizoram by a resolution...

ejvevûj¨, Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni gZvgZ QvovB cvwK¯—vb Avg‡j cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi Òkvmb ewnf©~Z GjvKvÓ gh©v`v Ges e„nËi gqgbwms‡ni †kicyi, kªxe`©x, bvwjZvevwo, nvjyqvNvU, `yM©vcyi I KjgvKv›`v Gme Avw`evmx Aay¨wlZ/ emevmiZ GjvKvmg~n‡K ÔAvswkK kvmb-ewnf©~Z GjvKvÕ gh©v`v Zz‡j †`qv nq|

7.2 Avw`evmx AwaKvi msμvš— mvsweavwbK weavbvejx

Avw`evmx‡`i cwiPq, ¯^KxqZv, AskMÖnY I AwaKvi mswk−ó mvsweavwbK weavbvejx cÖYqb ev ms‡kvab ev evwZj Kivi †¶‡Î Avw`evmx‡`i ¯^vaxb I c~e©vewnZ m¤§wZ MÖn‡Yi wbðqZvi Rb¨ msweav‡b G ai‡bi weavb _vKv Avek¨K| G‡¶‡Î msweav‡bi `kg fv‡Mi (msweavb- ms‡kvab) Ômsweav‡bi weavb ms‡kva‡bi ¶gZvÕ msμvš— 142 Aby‡”Q‡`i (1) Dc-Aby‡”Q‡`i (B) `dvi ci bZzb `dv ms‡hvRb Kiv-

Ò142|(1)(B) msweav‡b Aš—f©y³ †`‡ki Avw`evmx‡`i cwiPq, ¯^KxqZv, AskMÖnY I AwaKvi msi¶Y K‡i Ggb weavbvejx ms‡kvab, ms‡hvRb A_ev evwZ‡ji c~‡e© ‡`‡k Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi cÖwZwbwaZ¡kxj †bZ…e„‡›`i mwnZ Av‡jvPbv I civgk© Kwi‡eb| cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi †¶‡Î cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil` I cve©Z¨ †Rjv cwil`mg~n Ges †¶ÎgZ HwZn¨MZ cÖwZôvb GB Dwj−wLZ cÖwZwbwaZ¡kxj †bZ…e„‡›`i g‡a¨ Aš—fy©³ _vwK‡e|Ó

cvwK¯—vb, †bcvj, KvbvWv, gvj‡qwkqv, wdwjcvB‡bi msweav‡b Giƒc weavb mwboe‡ewkZ i‡q‡Q| †hgb cvwK¯—v‡bi msweav‡b D‡j−L i‡q‡Q †h[Administration of Tribal Areas] Article 247(6) The President may, at any time, by Order, direct that the whole or any part of a Tribal Area shall cease to be Tribal Area, and such Order may contain such incidental and consequential provisions as appear to the President to be necessary and proper: Provided that before making any Order under this clause, the President shall ascertain, in such manner as he considers appropriate, the views of the people of the Tribal Area concerned, as represented in tribal jirga.

ejvevûj¨, Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni gZvgZ QvovB cvwK¯—vb Avg‡j cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi Òkvmb ewnf©~Z GjvKvÓ gh©v`v Ges e„nËi gqgbwms‡ni †kicyi, kªxe`©x, bvwjZvevwo, nvjyqvNvU, `yM©vcyi I KjgvKv›`v Gme Avw`evmx Aay¨wlZ GjvKvmg~n‡K ÔAvswkK kvmb-ewnf©~Z GjvKvÕ gh©v`v Zz‡j †`qv nq|

D‡j−L¨, cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg wn‡m‡e msweav‡b ¯^xK…Z bv _vKvi Kvi‡Y cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Pzw³i wei“‡× 2000 mv‡j ew`D¾vgvb I 2007 mv‡j G¨vW‡fv‡KU ZvRyj Bmjvg KZ…©K `v‡qiK…Z gvgjvq nvB‡Kv‡U©i iv‡q cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil` AvBb I wZb cve©Z¨ †Rjv cwil‡`i K‡qKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© aviv AmvsweavwbK g‡g© A‰ea ejv n‡q‡Q hv Abwf‡cÖZ I kvwš— cÖwμqvi cwicš’x| Abyiƒcfv‡e mvsweavwbKfv‡e ¯^xK…Z bv _vKvi Kvi‡Y cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi Avw`evmx‡`i gZvgZ e¨wZ‡i‡K 1964 mv‡j cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg‡K ÔDcRvZxq Aay¨wlZ AÂjÕ Gi ZvwjKv †_‡K ev` †`qv nq|

8. mgAwaKvi I mggh©v`v jv‡fi Rb¨ we‡kl c`‡¶c

mKj †¶‡Î Avw`evmx‡`i cÖvwš—KZv I eÂbvi welqwU we‡ePbvq wb‡q msweav‡b Avw`evmx‡`i Dci Pjgvb ˆelg¨ `~ixKiY Ges mgAwaKvi I mggh©v`v jv‡fi Rb¨ we‡kl c`‡¶c msμvš— weavb msweav‡b ms‡hvRb Kiv AZ¨vek¨K| Gj‡¶¨ wb‡goev³ ms‡kvabx cÖ¯—ve MÖnY Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|

8.1 we‡kl weavb-cÖYqb

msweav‡bi Z…Zxq fv‡Mi (†gŠwjK AwaKvi) Ôag© cÖf„wZ Kvi‡Y ˆelg¨Õ msμvš— 28 Aby‡”Q‡`i (4) Dc-Aby‡”Q‡` D‡j−L i‡q‡Q †h- Òbvix I wkï‡`i AbyK~‡j wKsev bvMwiK‡`i †h †Kvb AbMÖmi As‡ki AMÖMwZi Rb¨ we‡kl weavb-cÖYqb nB‡Z GB Aby‡”Q‡`i †Kvb wKQzB ivóª‡K wbe„Ë Kwi‡e bv|Ó Avw`evmx Rb‡Mvôx‡K ÒbvMwiK‡`i †h †Kvb AbMÖmi AskÓ wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv K‡i Zv‡`i AMÖMwZi Rb¨ we‡kl weavb cÖYqb ev BwZevPK c`‡¶c MÖnY K‡i _vK‡jI e¯‘Zt msweav‡bi D³ ÒbvMwiK‡`i AbMÖmi AskÓ cÖZ¨qwU AZ¨š— A¯úó| ZvB Avw`evmx‡`i wel‡q we‡kl weavb cÖYqb †¶‡Î ¯úóxKiY I b¨vh¨Zvg~jK AwaKv‡ii Rb¨ GB Dc-Aby‡”Q‡`i cÖvi‡¤¢ ÒAvw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~nÓ kãwU ms‡hvRb Kiv Avek¨K|

gvj‡qwkqv, fviZ, †bcvj, KvbvWv, †gw·‡Kv, †f‡bRy‡qjv, ewjwfqvi msweav‡b Giƒc weavb i‡q‡Q| †hgb gvj‡qwkqvi msweav‡b D‡j−L i‡q‡Q †hArticle

8(5). This Article does not invalidate or prohibit – (c) any provision for the protection, wellbeing or advancement of the aboriginal peoples of the Malay Peninsula (including the reservation of land) or the reservation to aborigines of a reasonable proportion of suitable positions in the public service;

8.2 miKvix wb‡qvM jv‡f my‡hv‡Mi mgZv

miKvix K‡g© Avw`evmx‡`i wb‡qvM jv‡fi †¶‡Î my‡hv‡Mi mgZv weav‡bi j‡¶¨ msweav‡bi Z…Zxq fv‡Mi (†gŠwjK AwaKvi) ÔmiKvix wb‡qvM jv‡f my‡hv‡Mi mgZvÕ msμvš— 29 Aby‡”Q‡`i (3)(K) `dvq ÒAvw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~nÓ kãwU ms‡hvRb Kiv Avek¨K| †hgb-

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb-

(3) GB Aby‡”Q‡`i †Kvb wKQzB (K) bvMwiK‡`i †h †Kvb AbMÖmi Ask hvnv‡Z cÖRvZ‡š¿i K‡g© Dchy³ cÖwZwbwaZ¡ jvf Kwi‡Z cv‡ib, †mB D‡Ï‡k¨ Zuvnv‡`i AbyK~‡j we‡kl weavb-cÖYqb Kiv nB‡Z, (L)...., (M).... ivóª‡K wbe„Ë Kwi‡e bv|

ms‡hvRbx cÖ¯—ve-

Ò(K) bvMwiK‡`i †h †Kvb AbMÖmi Ask I Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~n hvnv‡Z cÖRvZ‡š¿i K‡g© Dchy³ cÖwZwbwaZ¡ jvf Kwi‡Z cv‡ib, †mB D‡Ï‡k¨ Zuvnv‡`i AbyK~‡j we‡kl weavb-cÖYqb Kiv nB‡Z, Ó

evsjv‡`k KZ…©K Abymgw_©Z International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights-G ejv n‡q‡Q †h− Article 15.(1). Each Member shall, within the framework of national laws and regulations, adopt special measures to ensure the effective protection with regard to recruitment and conditions of employment of workers belonging to the populations concerned so long as they are not in a position to enjoy the protection granted by law to workers in general.

fvi‡Zi msweav‡b ejv n‡q‡Q †hEquality of opportunity in matters of public employment. Article 16(4A). Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any provision for reservation [in matters of promotion, with consequential seniority, to any class] or classes of posts in the services under the State in favour of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes which, in the opinion of the State, are not adequately represented in the services under the State.

8.3 myi¶vg~jK e¨e¯’v

Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni RvwZMZ Aw¯—Z¡ I ¯^KxqZv mgyboeZ ivLv Ges we‡kl K‡i cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Pzw³ †gvZv‡eK cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi Avw`evmx Aay¨wlZ ‰ewkó¨ A¶zboe ivLvi ¯^v‡_© mvaviYfv‡e bvMwiK‡`i Aeva emwZ¯’vcb wbqš¿‡Yi Rb¨ msweav‡bi Z…Zxq fv‡Mi (†gŠwjK AwaKvi) ÔPjv‡divi ¯^vaxbZvÕ msμvš— 36 Aby‡”Q‡` ÒRb¯^v‡_©Ó k‡ãi c‡i ÒGes †`‡ki Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxi ¯^KxqZv I wbivcËvi ¯^v‡_©Ó kãmg~n ms‡hvRb Kiv Ri“wi| †hgb−

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb−

ÒRb¯^v‡_© AvB‡bi Øviv Av‡ivwcZ hyw³m½Z evavwb‡la-mv‡c‡¶ evsjv‡`‡ki me©Î emwZ¯’vcb Ges evsjv‡`k Z¨vM I evsjv`‡k cybtcÖ‡ek Kwievi AwaKvi cÖ‡Z¨K bvMwi‡Ki _vwK‡e|Ó

ms‡hvRbx cÖ¯—ve-

ÒRb¯^v‡_© A_ev Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni ¯^KxqZv I wbivcËv i¶v‡_© AvB‡bi Øviv Av‡ivwcZ hyw³m½Z evavwb‡la-mv‡c‡¶ evsjv‡`‡ki me©Î emwZ¯’vcb Ges evsjv‡`k Z¨vM I evsjv`‡k cyb:cÖ‡ek Kwievi AwaKvi cÖ‡Z¨K bvMwi‡Ki _vwK‡e|Ó

Avw`evmx‡`i Rb¨ Avi¶vg~jK kvmb e¨e¯’vi cÖ‡qvRb hv Zv‡`i‡K Zv‡`i HwZn¨MZ mvs¯‹…wZK ¯^KxqZv eRvq ivL‡Z ¯^vaxbZv †`‡e| hw` Avi¶vg~jK mswewae¨e¯’v bv _v‡K Zvn‡j Avw`evmxiv Zv‡`i b„ZvwË¡K I mvs¯‹…wZK ¯^KxqZv I ˆewkó¨ nvwi‡q †dj‡e Ges e„nËi Rb‡Mvôx Øviv cÖwZwbqZ A_©‰bwZK †kvlY, ivR‰bwZK cÖZviYv Ges eÂbvi wkKv‡i cwiYZ n‡e| 1900 mv‡j cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg kvmbwewa‡Z ewnivMZ †Kvb e¨w³i cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡g ¯’vqx emwZ¯’vc‡bi Dci wb‡lavÁv wQj|

fviZ, †gw·‡Kv, B‡›`v‡bwkqv, gvj‡qwkqv, wdwjcvBb, †f‡bRy‡qjv, ewjwfqvi msweav‡b G ai‡bi weavbvejx i‡q‡Q| †hgb fvi‡Zi msweavb [Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of movement, etc.] Article 19(5). Nothing in [sub-clauses (d) and (e)] of the said clause shall affect the operation of any existing law in so far as it imposes, or prevent the State from making any law imposing, reasonable restrictions on the

exercise of any of the rights conferred by the said sub-clauses either in the interests of the general public or for the protection of the interests of any Scheduled Tribe.

9. †kvlY †_‡K gyw³ jv‡fi AwaKvi

Avw`evmx Rb‡Mvôxmg~n hw`I †`‡ki bvMwiK, wKš‘ AwaKvsk †¶‡Î Zviv h_v_© bvMwiK gh©v`v I †gŠwjK AwaKvi wb‡q emevm Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| Zviv A‡bKUv wbR f~wg‡Z cievmx Rxebhvcb Ki‡Z eva¨ nq| Avw`evmx Rb‡Mvôxi Dci GB eû kZvãxi eÂbv I wbcxo‡bi BwZnvm Ges Zv‡`i D‡cw¶Z Ae¯’v‡bi cÖwZ we‡kl bRi †`qvi Rb¨ ‡`‡ki Acivci bvMwiK‡`i mv‡_ Avw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~‡ni †kvlY n‡Z gyw³i Rb¨ mvsweavwbKfv‡e weavb _vKv Avek¨K| Gj‡¶¨ msweav‡bi wØZxq fv‡Mi (ivóª cwiPvjbvi g~jbxwZ) ÔK…lK I kªwg‡Ki gyw³Õ msμvš— 14 Aby‡”Q‡` ÔAvw`evmx RvwZ‡Mvôxmg~nÕ kãvejx ms‡hvRb Kiv `iKvi| †hgb-

msweav‡bi eZ©gvb weavb-

Ò14| iv‡óªi Ab¨Zg †gŠwjK `vwqZ¡ nB‡e †gnbwZ gvbyl‡K, K…lK I kªwgK‡K Ges RbM‡Yi AbMÖmi Askmg~n‡K mKj cÖKvi †kvlY nB‡Z gyw³ `vb Kiv|Ó

ms‡hvRbx cÖ¯—ve-

†bcvj, ewjwfqv, †gw·‡Kv Gi msweav‡b G ai‡bi weavbvejx i‡q‡Q| †hgb †bcv‡ji Aš—e©Zx© msweav‡b D‡j−L i‡q‡Q †hArticle 10. The State shall pursue a policy which will help to promote the interest of the marginalized communities and the peasants and labourers living below poverty line, including economically and socially backward indigenous tribes, Madhesis, Dalits, by making reservation for a certain period of time with regard to education, health, housing, food sovereignty and employment

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